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List of courses taken

Graduate courses (CS, Purdue University)

  • Fall 2003
    • CS 503 - Operating Systems
    • CS 541 - Database Systems
    • CS 555 - Cryptography
  • Spring 2004
    • CS 502 - Compiling and Programming Systems
    • CS 580 - Algorithm Design, Analysis, and Implementation
    • CS 590D - Security Topics in Networking and Distributed Systems
  • Summer 2004
    • CS 699 - Research PHD Thesis
  • Fall 2004
    • CS 526 - Information Security
    • CS 655 - Advanced Cryptology
  • Spring 2005
    • CS 590D - Data Mining
    • CS 590E - Topical Lectures in Information Security
    • CS 590S - Randomized and Probabilistic Algorithms
  • Summer 2005
    • CS 590 - Summer Internship at, Seattle, WA
  • Fall 2005
    • CS 590C - Topics in Database Systems Research
    • CS 699 - Research PhD Thesis
  • Spring 2006
    • CS 531 - Computational Geometry
    • CS 699 - Research PhD Thesis
  • Summer, Fall 2006
    • CS 699 - Research PhD Thesis

Undergraduate courses (CS&E, IIT Bombay)

  • Fall 1999
    1. CH 101 - Chemistry I
    2. CH 115 - Chemistry Lab I
    3. CS 101 - Computer Programming & Utilization
    4. HS 101 - Economics
    5. MA 103 - Mathematics I
    6. ME 111 - Workshop Practice I
    7. PH 101 - Physics I
    8. PH 115 - Physics Lab I
    9. NO 101 - N.S.O.
  • Spring 2000
    1. CH 102 - Chemistry II
    2. CH 116 - Chemistry Lab II
    3. EE 152 - Basic Electrical Circuits
    4. MA 104 - Mathematics II
    5. ME 112 - Workshop Practice II
    6. ME 118 - Engineering Graphics & Drawing
    7. PH 102 - Physics II
    8. CS 152 - Abstractions and Paradigms for Programming
    9. CS 154 - Programming Paradigms Lab
    10. PH 116 - Physics Lab II
    11. NO 102 - NSO
  • Fall 2000
    1. CS 207 - Discrete Structures
    2. CS 213 - Data Structures and Algorithms
    3. EE 261 - Electric Circuits Lab
    4. HS 203 - Introduction to Psychology
    5. MA 203 - Mathematics II
    6. PH 205 - Physics III (Quantum Physics & Applications)
    7. CS 293 - Data Structures Lab
  • Spring 2001
    1. HS 202 - Introduction to Philosophy
    2. CS 210 - Logic Design
    3. CS 212 - Electronics Design I
    4. CS 206 - Formal Methods in CS
    5. CS 288 - Logic Design Lab
    6. CS 292 - Electronics Design Lab I
    7. CS 296 - Software Systems Lab
    8. MA 212 - Probability, Random Process and Statistical Inference
  • Fall 2001
    1. CS 301 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
    2. CS 331 - Theory of Computation
    3. CS 325 - Computer Organisation
    4. CS 329 - Principles of Programming Languages
    5. CS 317 - Database and Information Systems
    6. CS 395 - Assembly Programming Lab
    7. CS 389 - Programming Languages Lab
    8. CS 387 - Database and Information Systems Lab
    9. CS 397 - Works Visit
  • Spring 2002
    1. CS 324 - Language Processors
    2. CS 344 - Artficial Intelligence
    3. CS 330 - Microprocessors and Interfaces
    4. CS 619 - Information Retrieval and Mining for Hypertext & the Web
    5. CS 350 - Linear Optimisation
    6. CS 390 - Microprocessors and Interfaces Lab
    7. CS 386 - Artficial Intelligence Lab
    8. CS 394 - Language Processors Lab
    9. CS 396 - (Seminar) Knowledge Representation and Learning for Robotic Systems
  • Fall 2002
    1. HSS 440 - Industrial Economics
    2. CS 447 - Operating Systems
    3. CS 495 - Operating Systems Lab
    4. CS 451 - Distributed Systems
    5. CS 623 - Introduction to Computing with Neural Networks
    6. CS 497 - (B.Tech Project) A Multilingual, Meaning based Search Engine
    7. CS 388 - Practical Training at MIT Media Lab Asia, Bombay, India
  • Spring 2003
    1. CS 456 - Computer Networks
    2. CS 404 - Quantum Computing
    3. CS 475 - Computer Graphics
    4. HS 436 - Indian Culture and Tradition
    5. CS 498 - (B.Tech Project) A Multilingual, Meaning based Search Engine